Hello! Long time no see…..
Well not any need for updates if there’s nothing going on 🙂 Ok, ther has been somthing going on. I’m still animating and cartooning for fun. I’m still impressed with open source software and I want to see if they can do the things I want, you see I’m proud to be that type of guy that thinks you don’t need Photoshop or Apple before you start to do your thing. It’s fun to push your limits with open source software.
This update is because I started to paint more again, who hasn’t been impressed with the Disney style backgrounds from the 30’s 40’s 50’s … now I want to see what it takes to replicate this with the MyPaint version of Pencil2D. This is how far I got a Friday evening. Cheers see you soon, or in a few years 😀

This is the final result, good enough for me. Learnt something too.

Here’s also another study, this was made im the original vanilla Pencil2D (not MyPaint brush-version). I wanted to see if I could do it with the standard tools available.