I have been doing some tests with Pencil2D MyPaint version again, this time I was inspired by the Pinoccio Dinsey backgrounds. I tried to draw a well in the same style with some kind of watercoulour / qouache effect. This is how it turned out.
Short Western Duel Animation
I found it interesting to try to do a short animation where I would not need to put so much effort into drawing the characters. I decided to use a kind stickfigures like actors and by doing so I could spend more time on how they act and to try to get the scenes cut together in an interesting manner.
To help build up the tension I found a free to use song that suited the short movie quite well. I hope you like my short movie and I even got to make a small twist at the end of it so I could do a sequel if I find the time and motivation in the future. 😉
Dragon Slayer Intro
So after a few trial and errors I got this shot together in HitFilm Express. I was a bit uncertain if I could get the animated elements to stay in their right place due to the fact that I was scaling the different layers along with the animation to get my desired multiplane effect.
I exported the animated elemets as transparent PNGs and immported them to Hitfilm in separate layers.
At worst it would make the animated elements to look like they where floating on their own across the scene. I was happy to find out I only needed to copy the scale settings from the layer the animation belonged to and apply the same keypoints to them as the correspondiinng background and they scaled just fine.
Gaston Animation
As a young boy I was addicted to comics that had detailed and well drawn pictures, Gaston (the comic) is no exception. André Franquin is the creator of Gaston his comic books/strips had a sepcial kind of humor that I liked as well as his drawing. When I saw an old Pencil2D screenshot with André’s character Gaston in it I thought it would be a fun task to try to make a short animation of it. So here it is. I apologize that I did not draw Gaston as good as André would have done it but since my animation is a one man show I just could not go back and re-do his face in all those frames that i dislike so it is what it is. I have learned many lessons during the project, a big mistake I made was I initially planned to have 24 fps and animate in 2’s but when I was almost finnished I had overlooked that I had set P2D to 12 fps.😮 So I had to change it to 24 fps so just there I doubled my work. 😁 At that time I thought, no I will never finnish this but I did so here it is.
Animating Obelix
I initially planned to just do a speed-drawing of the Obelix character from the all so popular comic books. Also a personal favourite of my own alongside Spirou, Gaston, Calvin & Hobbes, Larsson and many more.
Then I thought why not try to make him move at the same time, just so I could have a little practice, I realized I could do it fairly easily with a head & body turn, only six frames needed and I had the whole weekend at my hands.
This is my recording of the process on You Tube, feel free to take a look if you feel like it.
Pencil2D + MyPaint Brushset
For quite a while there has been ongoing development of a special Pencil2D version with MyPaint brushes instead of the original ones.
I haven’t really tried to paint a lot but since I did that Disney background study I felt that those MyPaint brushes are so powerful that I should learn how to use them.
Watercolor is always looking cool so I thought I would give that look a go. This is how my “Pirate Chest” turned out.

Trying to paint Disney style
I always liked how Disney put a lot of effort in having beautiful backgrounds in their animations. I wanted to try to paint one myself just to get a better idea of how time consuming it is for just one background. I put around 18 hours into this one and I think the outcome is ok but nothing near what Disney produced. I used Pencil2D with the standard brushes.

Update: Here’s a short animation where I used this background.
Disney style backgrounds
Hello! Long time no see…..
Well not any need for updates if there’s nothing going on 🙂 Ok, ther has been somthing going on. I’m still animating and cartooning for fun. I’m still impressed with open source software and I want to see if they can do the things I want, you see I’m proud to be that type of guy that thinks you don’t need Photoshop or Apple before you start to do your thing. It’s fun to push your limits with open source software.
This update is because I started to paint more again, who hasn’t been impressed with the Disney style backgrounds from the 30’s 40’s 50’s … now I want to see what it takes to replicate this with the MyPaint version of Pencil2D. This is how far I got a Friday evening. Cheers see you soon, or in a few years 😀

This is the final result, good enough for me. Learnt something too.

Here’s also another study, this was made im the original vanilla Pencil2D (not MyPaint brush-version). I wanted to see if I could do it with the standard tools available.

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